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Our Mission

For the Sonorous is a literary journal dedicated to empowering and publishing women and non-binary people of color. We publish two online issues of poetry, prose, and art each year. All submissions receive detailed feedback from our editors. We seek to foster a supportive community for marginalized writers and artists.

Behind our birth

"Writing can be a lifeline, especially when your existence has been denied, especially when you have been left on the margins, especially when your life and process of growth have been subjected to attempts at strangulation." 

                                                                           -Micere Githae Mugo 

We are born from the intersection between race and gender. Racism and misogyny combine to make women and non-binary people of color shrink, pick at ourselves like scabs, forget our roots. This is an ignition for strength and empowerment. This is a call for sisterhood.

We are born out of reclamation. This is for the urgency of dictating our own narratives and cementing them with our own voices, words, and art. We won't be ignored.

We are born for continuations. Beautiful little girls of color are not only the future main characters who save cities and embark on great adventures—they’re also the present. They need to know this.

We are born for all the things rushing out of us like wind, for the rich sounds exclaiming our existence.


We are born for the sonorous voices that need to be heard.

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